14 Apr 2010

Perfect Morning : A Poem by Ben Q


I wake up in a hotel room
A prostitute, or even better
A new girlfriend, no name
Is tracing lines on my back with her nails
As her twin sister blows me

The warmth of the sun is on my face
A happy place
The babes leave. No charge
Because of the large
Experience, they say
What a nice day

My phone rings. Work has been
Burned to the ground
Everyone is fine. Better
I go to the kitchen
And find a letter

“We've been watching you
Because you're the Chosen One
We were going to assassinate
We had to procrastinate
We had a meeting, discussed your fate
And we want you to be our Leader instead.
The President is Dead.”

Pull on my favourite jeans
They smell of cinnamon
White socks, fresh white shirt
In the pocket, a mysterious card
With an inscription from the Bard:
Is all we see or seem
A dream within a dream”

Leaving the room I meet the maid
She smiles like we know something
Remains unsaid, game faintly played
I don't know this place
I get to the lobby. Posh. A reporter
Offers me her mineral water

“I doubt you remember, but last night's show
Was incredible. And today, you know...
The world is different because of you
The fighting has stopped.
The dream came true.
It was you, only you
What you say, what you do.
It got through.
Can I buy you breakfast?”

Grapefruit, coffee, pancakes, toast
Her friend arrives
Spit roast
Quick shower- High Power
My bike is outside with a new chain
Perfect sky, tranquil brain
I take a ride alone

And as I climb the hill
I can feel it inside
And outside too, last night cried
Redemption, rapture, across the world
The mighty snake beneath uncurled
Burst through the earth
Opened them all

Tanks ground to a halt
Guns jammed, children rose up
Gates came down, glass broke
All crumbled as one, wept on bloody knees, were forgiven
We survived it, we keep living

And I got a blow job
Because it was me
I found the Door
I used my Key
The People heard, they laughed, all free
Realized it was our destiny

After-show party, drugs, dance, sex
I busted the funk out, got on the decks
Max adulation, all my friends came
Family got a penthouse suite, my sister got fame
The aliens revealed themselves; Universal Dawning
That's how I'd describe my perfect morning.